Quote: “Are we too quick to discount and replace people because there are always more? Do we treat some poeple as disposable? ‘ Affirmative Prayer: “God of peace, open my eyes to the true value of the poeple you place around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” From: Christ In Our Home, Augsburg Fortress Pub., Vol.Continue reading
Month: September 2018
Prayer concern: People who are bought and sold
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Need Strength?
0Q: “Ten times each day practice the following affirmation, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”(Phillippians 4:13). From: Norman Vincent Peale, Postivie Thinking Every Day, Read:9-28.
0Lost Confidence? Q:”If you have lost confidence in your ability to win, make a list, not of the factors that are against you, but of those that are for you. Your inner power will reassert itself and lift you from defeat to victory.” From: Norman Vincent Peale, Postive Thinking Every Day, Read:9-27
Have you lost confidence?
0Quote: “If you have lost condience in your ability to win, make a list, not of the facotrs that are against you, but of those that are for you. Your inner power will reassert itself and lift you from defeat to victory.” From: Norman Vincent Peale, Postive Thinking Every Day, Fireside Book Pub. by SimonContinue reading
0Quote:”You can become the opposite of worry by practicing the opposite and stronger habit of faith. With all the strenght and perseverance you can command, start practicing faith.” Noirman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day, Fireside Book Published by Simon & Schuster. Read:9-23.
Prayer of protection:
0P.P:” LORD, thank You for teaching me how to respond in violatile situations. Cover my life with Your Word, so I can always react with Your love, wisdom, peace, and assurance, regardless of what happens. (In Jesus’ name) Amen.” From: Charles F. Stanley, Wisdom From Above, Read:8-26, (Proverbs 26:4, Matthew 5:39). Proverbs 26:4 “Don’t answerContinue reading
Affirmative Prayer:
0A.P:”Lord God, thank You for Your wonderful Word! Give me a passion to know You through it. Hide it in my heart so I may not sin against You, but will always follow You faithfully. Amen.” From Charles F. Stanley, Wisdom From Above, Read: 9-19, (Provbers 19:25, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Jeremiah 33:3).
0Q: “Remember Edison’s remark: “If we did all the things we are capable of doing we would literally astonish ourselves.’ Astonish yourself!” From: Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day,, Read:9-16.
Vision of goodness:
0Q: “I take these thoughts and feelings into prayer and envision the goodness I desire. I hold a vision of peace, light and love…Fully connected to the creative power within…I know that all things are possible.” From: Daily Word, Unity Pub., Vol.156,#5, Read:9-17, (Daniel 9:23). Daniel 9:23 “So consider the word and understand the vision.”
Spiritual Gifts:
0Q: “Ask the Lord to reveal your spiritual gifting today. Examine your likes and dislikes, keep watch for roles and activities where you feel the power of God fueling your efforts, and seek the input of others. And above all, remember your gift is determined by the Father, redeemed by the Savior, empowered by theContinue reading