Genesis 15:5 “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them”
Month: March 2019
Genesis 15:5
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Count the Stars:
0Quote:: “Wherever you are in Lent and in life, let God’s words to Abram speak to you: “Look toward the heavens and the stars. See the…”… God made the heavens and the stars and each one of us…The LORD blesses us and calls us into community to bear witness to this vastness of the creator’s work.Continue reading
0Quote: “Take all the fuming and fretting of the media with a grain of salt. Much of today’s news isn’t really new. Most of it has happened before and before that.” From: Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day, Simon & Schuster Pub., Read:3-10
Luke 4:2
0Luke 4:2 “For forty days He was tempted by the devil.”
0Affirmative Prayer: “Life-giving God, thank You for meeting us where we are and loving us unconditionally, through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen” From: Christ In Our Home, Vol. 66#1, Augsburg Fortress Pub., Read:3-10, (Luke 4;1-13).
0Q: ” Practice failure and you can quite surely count on failing. Practice enthusiasm in even the most commonplace things and presently the immense power of enthusiasm will begin working wonders for you.” From: Norman VIncent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day, Simon & Schuster Pub., Read:3-9.
Ephesians 5:17
0Ephesians 5:17 (NKJV) “Do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the LORD is.”
Calm My Fears:
0Affirmative Prayer:”Jesus, your plan is best. Calm by fears, increase my faith, and help me to always walk in Your will. Amen” From: Charles F. Stanley, Jesus, Our Perfect Hope, Read:3-7, (Ephesians 5:17).
Psalm 19:1
0Psalm 19:1 “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftmanship.”
Pray Big:
0Q:” Pray big; God will grant big things if you ask them and are big enough to receive them.” From: Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Every Day, Simon & Schuster Pub., Read:3-4.